Märkte (3/5) Im Bauch von Wien – Der Naschmarkt [HQ Doku]
Bunte Farben, anregende Gerüche, lautes Feilschen von Händlern und Kunden – Märkte sind ein Rausch der Sinne. Allein der Anblick der frischen Produkte kann A…
Here's what keeps Byron Wien up at night
CNBC, on Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:13:35 -0700
Byron Wien still sees a 20 percent return in the S&P 500 for 2014, but the Blackstone Advisory vice chairman admits there are things that keep him up at night. Specifically, he's concerned about geopolitical events—including the fighting in Gaza, Iraq …
Byron Wien: S&P 2300 by year end – Video
Byron Wien of Blackstone Advisory Partners, discusses the strength of earnings and where the S&P is going. Wien says the second half will be better than the first and expects the economy to grow at 3 percent.