Neues aus Wien

Märkte (3/5) Im Bauch von Wien - Der Naschmarkt [HQ Doku]Märkte (3/5) Im Bauch von Wien – Der Naschmarkt [HQ Doku]
Bunte Farben, anregende Gerüche, lautes Feilschen von Händlern und Kunden – Märkte sind ein Rausch der Sinne. Allein der Anblick der frischen Produkte kann A…

Here's what keeps Byron Wien up at night
CNBC, on Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:13:35 -0700
Byron Wien still sees a 20 percent return in the S&P 500 for 2014, but the Blackstone Advisory vice chairman admits there are things that keep him up at night. Specifically, he's concerned about geopolitical events—including the fighting in Gaza, Iraq

Byron Wien: S&P 2300 by year end – Video
Byron Wien of Blackstone Advisory Partners, discusses the strength of earnings and where the S&P is going. Wien says the second half will be better than the first and expects the economy to grow at 3 percent.